Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bozeman Stake Conference with Elder D. Todd Christofferson and Elder Donald D. Deshler, Sept 10-11

September was certainly a month to receive spiritual guidance from our advanced leadership! First the Singles got to hear from an Area 70 and next Bozeman held it's Stake Conference on Sept 10-11 and we had the honor of having Elder D. Todd Christofferson from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles and Elder Donald D. Deshler from the 6th Quorum of the 70.

I wrote lots and lots of notes! I'm sure you don't want them all on this page as typed out it was 6 pages single spaced. So I will give you the very condensed version.

Elder Donald Deshler, "(There are..) blessings of honoring the Sabbath day. Powerful blessings when we honor the Sabbath day. This day is a day to rest from your labors. To not do anything else on Sunday except to do church and family. The Lord honors his promises to those who keep his covenants. The Lord loves us!"

Elder D.Todd Christofferson, "The Lord is aware of each individual that is present (at this conference). That he could not love you more if you were the only child of God!"

Stake President David Heap, "Elder Christofferson and Elder Deshler had report that they flet power in this place (our valley I believe he was referring to or the Stake building with members filling it...) & that the Saints are good here but that Satan is on the prowl and will lead you away. May we not adopt the ways of the world! God is real and that he knows you."

A brother in our ward attends Pres. Heaps Institute class and the class asked him about his experience with meeting an Apostle of the Lord, one of the 12. This brother stated that Pres. Heap mentioned that Elder Christofferson said that, "He was able to teach and give blessings because of the reverence in our stake (at conference)." Hope I got that quote correct! :) It was very reverant even when the children were attending on the Sunday session.

There was sooooo much more that I wrote and this by no means was the most impactful for me. I wish that I could write more, more so I wish I could take us all back in time and experience it again. For those that attended the meetings we all were spiritually fed!

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