Thursday, June 30, 2011

Natural Bridge Falls June 25, 2011

Kyle & Kira Paul, Shawn Spalding, Barbara Nickle, Sandy Damstra, Janene Brown, Jason, Kristina & Karissa Paul, James Beall & Josh Paul and Tami Smith attended the Natural Bridge Falls activity. It was so beautiful. What the pictures don't do enough justice of is the sounds that you heard with the rushing water, the birds and the insects nor can you feel the cool clean air. It was a great experience.

The singles met in Livingston, drove to the falls, enjoyed our walk around the falls we were then going to cook out there but discovered we couldn't so we went to Big Timber to a park which again we found we couldn't cook out but that was okay we improvised by some getting some chicken from the local store. We also got to see a parade and enjoy the fun Big Timber park.

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