Saturday, July 30, 2011

Multi-Stake Singles Conference in Billings MT

Multi-Stake Single Adult Conference

Presiding Elder Terrence C. Smith, Area Seventy

Friday evening there will be BBQ dinner. We've been told it will be Burgers, beans, Cole slaw, fat boys with toppings. Permission has been given for the viewing of the new movie 17 Miracles. For a video clip connect to

Elder Terrence C. Smith will be out Saturday 8:30am speaker along with a full egg + breakfast or continental breakfast, your choice.

Free time till 6pm dinner. We've been told it will be Beef Tenderloin & Shrimp with baby red potatoes & cheese cake for dinner. You will want to pre-register for the conference but especially if you wish to attend the temple so that accommodations can be made for those wishing to attend. Register at the web site

Brother David A Christensen will be the featured speaker for Saturday evening. Brother Christensen has been a popular speaker in the know your religion series and is the counselor of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple presidency in South Jordan Utah.

Sunday morning we will have the opportunity to hear from Elder Terrence C. Smith on a special sacrament meeting specifically for the singles Conference. After the sacrament meeting you will be given sack lunches for your travels home.

Food is subject to change per Conference arrangement but the above listed is what we've been told so far.

Watch for updating information as the date gets closer. This event will be in place of our September Fireside.

As the Bozeman Stake Singles 31+ program we encourage all to attend that are able, the time and effort of many will make this a very exciting and eventful Singles Conference please don't let an opportunity like this be wasted. If you cannot stay in Billings for the full three days but wish to attend at least the Saturday events please email to the Mt LDS Singles Activities (our emailer) so that we can get a list going for car pool over to the events on that day.

Information about Lewiston-Moscow ID Conference