Saturday, August 28, 2010

Madison Float that didn't happen but the food was great!

Well....cold weather stopped the float but it did not stop the food and fun! We even had some hail!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Learning to be okay about being single.

I was single for 9 years, it was a very, very long 9 years for me. Mostly because I raised my five children by myself with very little extended family support and no financial support from my ex. When I was married I though I understood single co-workers who had children and figured I could do better....then I became single. I've learned a lot about myself and about how with the Lord's help I can overcome great challanges.

Greatfully the Lord does understand the feelings of single members of his church. Connect with and look up the following articles. Some are directed more to young singles but still the information can be of benefit to older singles as well.

Liahona 1997 Nov and Ensign 1989 June articles by Gordon B Hinckley. Parts of the two talks are the same but both articles are focused more to 30+ singles.

Ensign: Aug 2007 pg 4 by James Faust and Aug 2008 pg 20 by Christine S Packard and Wendy Ulrich.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ron and I as new Single Adult Advisors

Ron and I (Tami [was Bennett]) Smith were called as the Single Adult Advisors last month. We are both excited to be involved in the program again and look forward to helping our friends from the singles and to get to know new people.

Ron was born and raised in Ennis MT and lived in Three Forks prior to becoming single. I was born in LA, CA raised in Malad Id and lived in Logan and SLC UT most of my life. Ron and I met at the singles program here in MT in 2008 when I moved here. We married 2009.

Our envolvement again in the singles program started by being asked to help out with the Bozeman Montana Stake Single Adult Conference so read on and enjoy the fun photos.

Bozeman Mt Stake Singles Adult Conference

First day June 25, 2010 Barbara Nickle was wonderful with the get to know you games! Everyone felt welcome! The night included some wonderful entertainment, dinner and dance. (The pictures would not set up correctly...sorry.)

Bozeman Mt Stake Single Adult Conference

First night June 25, 2010 Dinner and Dancing... My camera was not liked a lot. LOL

Bozeman MT Stake Single Adult Conference

The second day of conference was full of well prepared classes. Pres David Heap never missed a step when I took his picture while talking about Gospel Scholarship. Pres Dewsnup was a little off beat when I took his photo but took his misstep in stride as he talked about Making Lemonade out of Lemons. Bro Paul Jones' Finance Management class though was small everyone who talked about the class said they were glad they'd attended. Then there was DANCE CLASS...Bro and Sis Hellings taught well and some tried and succeeded in not only learning but enjoying the process.

Bozeman MT Stake Singles Adult Conference

Bozeman MT Stake Single Adult Conference

June 26, 2010 Dinner and talk from Elder Richard K. Melchin our area 70 from Canada

Elder Melchin was so personable it was wonderful. I will never forget that an Area 70 came into our Stake building and came right up to the table Ron and I were helping at and before he did anything else he looked me in the face and shook my hand. That's how he treated everyone at the conference!
His lecture time was amazing and I think many of us didn't speak because we were not sure what to of his comments about the scriptures I think is good to repeat. He said, "If we put our own name with the Scriptures it puts a very different meaning to the scriptures." Try his challenge and see what happens!