Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Dinner Dec 11, 2010

Christmas Dinner
We had 30 individuals in attendance.

Christmas Program
Brother Byron Anderson presented a reading we were also going to see a short video but time didn't permit.
Santa Time was fun for all, age didn't matter!

Brother and Sister Kieth & Sue Stone were great!
It was a wonderful but short night as there was another Stake event in Bozeman. Thanks to all who helped!

Christmas Devotional Dec 5, 2010

We had a large group who enjoyed the First Presidents Christmas Devotional.
President Dieter S. Uchtdorf
Said: It is important to refocus on Christ. Study true meaning of Christmas.
1.Rejoice of the birth of our Savior.
2.Ponder his influence in our own live. A time for gratitude and forgiveness.
3.Look steadfastly for his coming. We live in the eleventh hour of his coming.
President Henry B. Eyring
Said: The spirit of Christmas is to give to others gifts of the Lord.
1. We need to accept the Lord.
2.Give the gift of service to others, acts of kindness.
3. Love, Faith and Service bring joy.
President Thomas S. Monson
Said: True meaning of love and giving. Let it be a time of prayer for those away from us. Let it be a time of remembering Jesus.
The above is just paraphrasing of what I heard if you would like to hear the full Devotional go to and type in First Presidents Devotional.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's coming next!

November 20th we will have the opportunity to watch a movie at Pres. DaBell's office on 3805 Valley Commons in Bozeman. The movie choice is The Ultimate Gift.

On December 4th is the Stake Temple day and our Singles temple day.

On December 5th is the General Presidents divotional and we will be visiting in the room off the kitchen to enjoy Christmas treats.

On December 11th please invite all to our Christmas dinner at the Belgrade ward building in the cultrual hall at 5:00 pm Singles and their children are welcome!

Nov 6 2010 Temple trip

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Temple Trips

Take a look at the photos below...I don't have all of the photos from our singles temple trips but it's amazing how much temple work we've done since 2008 when we started adding the Singles Temple trips into the adult singles program & taking photos of it.... If you only look at the photos I have on this page we have done 77+ endowments! That's more people than they can hold in an endowment session. That's really cool!

I would like to ask all that view the web site to think about joining our temple sessions and enjoying the spirit that we gain, the help and support that the Lord can give us from the activity. What a blessing we have all received!

Blast from the is a photo from temple trips.

Johnny & Leona Gannaway 10-9-10

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mike & Cheri Hanson wedding

Mike & Cheri Hanson married on June 19, 2010 at the Billings Montana Temple.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Temple Trip - Sept 11, 2010

The day was bright and beautiful. There were 10 singles in the temple this day that I know of.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Madison Float that didn't happen but the food was great!

Well....cold weather stopped the float but it did not stop the food and fun! We even had some hail!